Letter of self-introduction

Dear Professor Brad,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Rex Tan, and I am a student from your Effective Communication module. This letter contains my academic journey, my strengths and weaknesses in communications, as well as my goals for this module. I hope after reading this letter you would be able to learn something about me.

I graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic with a diploma in Aerospace Engineering. Like many other engineering students, I have an interest mathematics and physics. I gain a sense of satisfaction when problem solving, and the process of obtaining the right answer after many lines of workings feels extremely rewarding. Engineering is a platform where I can put my skills to good use and make a positive impact. Additionally, I used to think that in the field of engineering, one does not require good presentation skills as most of our work would be with machines. Being an introverted and shy person, I found that to be a perfect fit for me, but how the tables have turned.

My weakness lies in public speaking. I often lack confidence and clarity when I speak, especially in front of an audience. During past presentations, I tend to stutter and mumble over my words, causing confusion to the audience. I would say that public speaking is my greatest fear, and I have unfortunately yet to overcome it. However, I believe my strength lies in organising my thoughts and expressing them coherently in my writings. I picked up this writing skill during my internship in an aviation logistics company. My duty was to act as a middleman between consumer and supplier, allowing me to learn how to communicate professionally and objectively in a concise manner through e-mails.

Something unique about me is my odd sleep schedule. I usually do work in the dead of the night around 1am-4am, as that is when I can concentrate best without any distractions. The peaceful night allows me to stay focused and it has been an effective habit of mine since my secondary school days.

My goal for this module is to be a more confident speaker. I was mistaken to think that an engineer does not require presentations skills, and I need to put myself in uncomfortable situations to see personal growth. I would also like to further hone my writing skills and learn about different types of citations styles.

I look forward to learning more about communications in your class. I hope that with your guidance I would be able to achieve my goals, thank you!

Best regards,

Rex Tan



  1. Hi Rex, your letter is clear and concise. It allows me to understand more about you. Hope we could improve our public speaking skills together through this module.

    1. Perhaps you could elaborate more about you unique sleep schedule, how did you manage your time to study and stay focus, both at home and in school. Did the unique sleep schedule affected your focus in school?

  2. Hey Rex, I really enjoyed reading your letter and getting to know more about you. It was very interesting to know that you can concentrate the best at midnight because I would not have been able concentrate as good as you. We share the same difficulties in communication and hopefully this module will help to boost our confidence and improve our presentation skills. I look forward to working with you in the future during our time in SIT.

  3. Hi Rex, the letter is well spread out with each paragraph clearly describing each of the four elements required. Your sleep schedule surprises me the most as you decide to burn the midnight oil to focus on your work.
    Also, both your second and third paragraphs relate to me. I do enjoy mathematics and physics where it challenges oneself to apply problem-solving into real-life applications, especially in the workplace. I too have difficulty to speak in front of a big audience and need to build up on public speaking. Overall, these two paragraphs shows concrete examples which support your reasons.
    However, a little more explanation can be included into your second goal to improving communication through this module.
    I hope that you'll be able to achieve your goals for this module and overcome your weakness.

  4. Hi Rex,

    Thanks for writing this letter. This letter helped me get to know and understand you better. I could relate to some of the points you made such as your interest in engineering. Problem solving is something that I enjoy doing too. Overall, I felt that your letter was clear and complete. You were able to provide examples together with your communication strengths and weaknesses. You also provide clear goals that you have by the end of this module.

    I hope you are able to achieve your goals for this module by the end of this trimester and also improve on your public speaking skills.


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